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Logistics treated as the mird source of profit has been generally accepted and emphasized by enterprises.Logistics information system is an important symbol of distinguishing modem logistics from conventional logistics.It is considered as nevre system for logistics,and plays an important role in optimizing logistics activities.Along with the rapid development of economic globalization£¬especially the widespread application of Electronic Commerce(E-C)based on the Intemet and information technology,Logistics market that specializes in the logistics service has great prospects and has been the trend of modem logistics in the 21st century.It is proved that the successful operation of Logistics enterprises Can not be deviated from the development of Logistics Information System(LIS).Logistics Information System has been the key part for Logistics enterprises.With the development of information technology and knowledge economy,Electronic Commerce has been popularized and developed.Therefore,logistics information system of logistics enterprises should adapt to the development of Electronic Commerce£¬and optimize itself by it.
Based on this introduction,this thesis clarifies the relationship between E-C and Logistics.The study is put mainly on the aspects of how to construct logistics information system for logistics enterprise under the electronic business environment and the introduction of related techniques of logistics information system.This thesis then introduces the development of logistics information system of logistic enterprises under the electronic business environment,and analyses the influence of electronic business Oil logistics information system of logistic enterprises,and explain the necessity of establishing logistics information system of logistic enterprises under the electronic business environment.
Based on the analysis of the current situation one of today,this thesis takes the case of the development of Logistics Information System for TAOBAO,adopting the e-commerce and logistics information technology within its development.Intemet technology and WWW tools are applied in the development of this system in order to build the B/S structure-based logistics information systems in the E.C environment.It integrates the system management,day-to-day operational management,customer management,distribution management,vehicle management£¬warehouse management£¬financial management and query management,and other statements of functional modules,covering all the elements in logistics.It realizes the seamless connection between the network and the intemal processes within the company,establishes the logistics information system,and makes the enterprise management more scientific electronic and networked.Finally,this thesis briefly analyzes the problems that should be pay attention to in the development of logistics information system,and shows some corresponding measures.
The results obtained in this thesis will bring some theoretical and practical value to the construction of E-C logistics information system for logistics enterprises in our country.

Key Words:Logistics Information System Electronic Business JSP


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