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The summary The books administrative system of the school is typicals information management system( MIS), wrap up mainly in its development Draw together the setting-up of backstage supporter's data base and two respects of development of maintaining and front application program. Yes On the former require set up data consistency and integrality strong, data security kind data base, Requires to the latter that the function of application program is complete, operate and wait for the characteristic simple, easy to usly. Through analysing , I use Visual Foxpro6.0 of Microsoft company it as backstage supporter's data The storehouse, the stage adopts Visual Foxpro6.0  developing instruments, utilize its various kinds of offered to face The developing instruments of target, especially window can have been convenient data succinct to handle data base Intelligent targets, set up and use the prototype systematically within short time at first, then to the initial prototype department It is changed and taken the place of that the interconnected system carries on the demand, revise and improve constantly, until forming user's satisfied feasible system. It is the introduction of developping course to follow. The thesis has been introduced at first Why develop the books administrative system of the school and explain from three respects that develops a systematic one The meaning. And then enter from the choice of the programming environment and two respects of realization of the relation type data base Hands have recommended how to develop a books administrative system. Chapter two of the thesis is to Windows Visual Foxpro6.0 programming environment has introduced comparatively detailed one. Visual Foxpro Last its at 6.0s it is that the incident urge application program, succinct Visual Foxpro languageses and Function, face the programming, support and step platform develops of target A series of merits, such as connecting nature,etc. become first-selecteds developing instrument which develops a copy of application system. Chapter four The ones that have introduced Visual Foxpro relation data bases especially are general Reading, and establishment of the data base and course of joining . To the function of the system in a following chapter Have carried on introduction with the flow chart . This system is a daily management which is directed against the library of the campus Designing , it is so for public use that regain to putting in storage to finish the purchase from the books, The doing of library card Pay attention to and wait for the function. Include: It exceeds the time limit to collect belated payment lost the treatments of bookses,etc. Jobs of various fields. Every main function of system of elaboration of systematic flow chart flows A situation. Realization and the the data base one that chapter five of the thesis has introduced user's interface separately are real Now, including the elaboration of every form in the realization and data base of the menus at all levels. The article end whether this the summaries of the graduation projects and can't thank you,last main ginseng at the same time Take an exam of the document and procedure inventory .

Key word: Face the target  Form  database Designer


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